NEW Sample papers designed to cover 99% of CBSE's new COMPETENCY BASED QUESTIONS.
Detailed video solutions made by the CBSE TOPPERS who themselved secured 99% marks last year.
We guarantee that 99% of the questions in your exams will be covered by the sample papers provided in this batch.
Special revision sheets designed to help students during their final exam preparation.
Get access to answer sheets from previous toppers to understand the best way to structure your answers.
1. What does this batch contains?
The batch includes:
- 18+ sample papers based on CBSE's latest SQPs.
- Video solutions by last year CBSE TOPPERS [99% SCHOLARS] guiding you on each & every question.
- Detailed Solution PDFs for quick reference.
- Toppers’ answer sheets to understand model answers.
- 30+ Revision sheets designed exclusively for you.
2. Does the batch guarantees that 99% of the questions will come from these sample papers?
Yes, we guarantee that 99% of the questions in your exams will be covered by the sample papers provided in this batch.
3. What is the duration of the batch?
The batch is available for the entire academic session until your last board exam, allowing you ample time to practice and revise.
4. Will there be any live sessions in this batch?
No, this batch focuses on self-paced learning through sample papers, detailed video solutions, and additional resources like topper answer sheets and revision sheets.
5. Can I access the materials multiple times?
Yes, all the resources in this batch (sample papers, video solutions, PDFs, etc.) can be accessed multiple times during the batch duration.
6. Who is this batch suitable for?
This batch is designed for CBSE Class 10th students aiming to thoroughly practice CBSE exam questions and improve their exam performance.
7. How does the video solutions help?
The video solutions are made by the last year CBSE TOPPERS who themselves secured 99% marks with their step-by-step explanation on how to approach and finish off the paper in less than 3 HOURS!